I went to India in August of 2007 to visit a couple from my church in Lubbock and visit the girls in the orphanage that they started. It was an amazing trip and I started to sponsor one of the girls. Her name is Priya and she is so beautiful. When I met her she had just had her head shaved due to lice and she still had the most beautiful smile anyone had seen. Her and I bonded from the first night on, all the girls would run to an Auntie and grab their hands and sit with them. Priya always ran to me. A little of Priya's story is that she is a semi-orphan so she still has a family. They hope that her parents will be fit to take her home at some point. My hope is that I will still be able to keep in touch with her. Right now I get updates about how she is doing and some emails from her. I just got an updated picture of her and wanted to share it with everyone. I hope that you enjoy seeing her and fall in love with her the way I did. Please pray for her heart and all the other girls in the orphanage. They all learn about Jesus and truth everyday but I don't know if they truly understand yet.
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14 years ago